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Monday, March 29, 2010

Kisi-Kisi Soal US Sejarah

Kelas X

1. Standar Kompetensi
Memahami prinsip dasar ilmu sejarah

2. Kompetensi Dasar
Menjelaskan pengertian dan ruang lingkup ilmu sejarah
Mendeskripsikan tradisi sejarah dalam masyarakat Indonesia masa pra-aksara dan masa aksara
3. Indikator

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Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Sa Huynh Civilization

Sa Huynh civilization was located on Vietnam seashore in the end of Bronze age. Sa Huynh was a littoral village located in south of Da Nang, between Thua Thein and Dong Nai river delta in Quang Nam province. There were about 200 large water jar graves found in Sa Huyn in 1909. Since then, there were more large water jar graves in about 50 of archaeological site. Carbon test showed that Sa Huyn culture was as in the same age as Dongson culture, that is around in the first century BC.
Sa Huynh culture produced their own pattern of tools from bronze. The proponents of Sa Huynh culture were also has a high skill in handicraft, such as ornaments and carved object made of stones and glasses. Archaeologist was also found that iron have been also used by Sa Huynh community while Dongson was still applied bronze.
At that time, the death people were burried in a grave contains many tools made of iron and ornaments made of agat and jasper. In one of large water jar grave, the scientist found 3,000 small things made of various materials, such as: glasses, gold, and agat. It has become a big collection in South-East Asia for the same kind of things. It was also found cooking pots that show the people have produce rice.
Sa huynh various ornaments were also found in Thailand, Taiwan, Philipines, and Indonesia. It indicated that there was a trade relationship between Sa Huynh people with its neighborhood in South-East Asia, both trough land or sea.
Based on research carried out by Solheim II stated that earthenware vessels tradition in Indonesia influenced by the same tradition developed in South-East Asia, that was Sa huynh-Kalanay and Bau-Malay. Sa Huynh tradition mainly developed in area of Sa Huynh (Vietnam) and Kalanay (Philipines), while tradition of Bau-Malay mainly developed in East Malaysia, Philipines, South China, North Vietnam, Taiwan, and Indonesia. Both tradition differentiated based on pattern and the way of made of.
The earthenware vessels tradition in our archipilago developed since Mesolithikum age. In this age the tradition developed in some complex, they were West Java complex, which distributed in Anyer (Banten), Leuwiliang (Bogor), Kramat Jati (Jakarta), and Rengasdenglok (Karawang): South Sulawesi complex (Kalumpang); and Bali complex (Gilimanuk).
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Friday, March 12, 2010

The Impact of Japan Occupation in Indonesia

1. The Impact in Politic
Japan prohibited Indonesian people to allied and to have group community since they occupied Indonesia. Therefore, they liquidated all movement organizations established on Dutch colonialism, except MIAI. MIAI then liquidated too and change into Masyumi.
The leader of national movement decided to have cooperative attitude during Japan colonialism era. By this attitude, they were able to have a position in organizations made by Japan, such as Gerakan 3A (3A Movement), Putera and Cuo Sangi In. Beside that, the movement national leaders were also made use of defensive units constructed by Japan, like Jawa Hokokai, Heiho, Peta, etc. The aim of Japan policy was to attract sympathy and mobilized Indonesian people to help Japan in war against allied forces. Nevertheless, this policy had been used by Indonesian leaders movement so that it has given more advantages to the Indonesian people struggle.
Thus, Japan has succeed to control activities of national movements, but they were not able to stop the increasing of nationality sense of Indonesian people to have freedom.

2. Economy
Japan tried to obtain and to dominate all raw resource for Japan war industry. Japan divided the plans into two step :
  1. Occupation step, that is to dominated all resource available, including what has belong to Dutch.
  2. Step to reconstruction economy area for war supplier. In accordance to this step, so that economy war design planned that every region has to apply autarki. (find out what is the meaning of autarki, and explain)
In 1944 the need of food and war increased rapidly. Japan has started a campaign of materials mobilization and increased the stocks of food. this was done by Jawa Hokokai and nagyo kumiai (Agriculture Cooperation), and other government institutions. The food mobilization was carried out by giving to the government the result of harvest. From harvest gathered, people own 40% and 30% must be given to the government, and the other 30% were store as seedling.
This policy has made Indonesian people suffered very much. Forest cutting has produce flood, harvest gathered submitted had made people lack of food, nutrient decrease, and stamina descend. As a result, there were many starvations happen in many regions, diseases spread out, and many death incidents. Moreover, the lack of clothing has been made many people in villages wore cloth from "gunny sack" or "bagor", even there were wore sheet of rubbers.
(to be continued........)

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Thursday, March 11, 2010

Indonesian Youth Congress

An effort to unity the youth inter organization was taken by carrying out a congress well known as Indonesian Youth Congress. Youth Congress I was carried out in Batavia on April 30th – May 2nd 1926. The congress was organized by a committee with the following composition :
Chairman : M. Tabrani
Vice chairman : Sumarto
Secretary : Jamaludin
Treasurer : Suwarso
Assistants : Bahder Johan, Sumarto, Yan Toule Soulehuwiy, Paul Pinontuan, Hamami, and Sanusi Pane
The goal of congress was to implant the spirit of cooperation among youth groups as a basic of Indonesian unity. There were many speech about the important of Indonesian unity performed in this congress. However, this effort was not successful yet because the sense of regionalism was still strong among the youth. Meanwhile, students from Batavia and Bandung analyzed there were two contradictive interests of colonialism which they called colonial antitheses that suffering Indonesian. The antitheses will disappear if the colonialism disappeared too. Therefore, students from others regions on September established Perhimpunan Pelajar-Pelajar Indonesia (PPPI) in Batavia. The PPPI’s goal was Indonesia freedom.
On 1928 the atmosphere of Indonesian politics has full of the sense of unity. The sense of nationality and the idea of Indonesian freedom have been reverberating in the soul of Indonesian youth. By initiative of PPPI the Youth Congress II was held and attending by delegation of youth organizations and have been succeed to decelerated a pledge known as “Sumpah Pemuda”. Youth Congress II carried out on 27 – 28 October 1928 with the composition of organization committee as follows:
Chairman : Sugondo Joyopuspito (from PPPI)
Vice chairman : Joko Mursid (from Jong Java)
Secretary : Muh. Yamin (from Jong Sumatranen Bond)
Treasurer : Amir Syarifuddin (from Jong Batak Bond)
Members : Johan Mohammad (from Jong Islamieten Bond), Senduk (from Jong Celebes), J. Leimena (from Jong Ambon), Rohyani (from Pemuda Kaum Betawi
The aims and goals of the Youth Congress II were:
a. To express of Indonesian Youth organization idea
b. To discuss about the of Indonesian Youth movement
        c. To strengthen the sense of nationality and to solidly the Indonesian unity

The content of Youth Declaration (Sumpah Pemuda) :
Pertama : Kami putra dan putri Indonesia bertumpah darah satu, Tanah
Kedua : Kami putra dan putri Indonesia mengaku berbangsa yang satu, Bangsa Indonesia.
Ketiga : Kami putra dan putri Indonesia
menjunjung bahasa persatuan, Bahasa Indonesia.

Your Task :
1. Write down an articles (on one piece of paper) entitle “Dengan Semangat Sumpah pemuda Kita Tingkatkan Persatuan dan Kesatuan” !
2. Send your article via E-mail to:
3. The best article will be posted on this BlogSpot (don’t forget to enclosed your photo).

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Tuesday, March 9, 2010

River Mekong Valley Civilization

There were two civilizations center on river Mekong Valley, namely Bacson Hoabinh and Dongson. The first civilization was Mesolitikum, and then grew into Neolitikum culture. They have known to make farm, made boats, mastering horoscope and belief.

Geographically, Indonesian is located on cross position between two continents (Asia and Australia) and between two ocean (Hindia and Pacific). This position make Indonesia easy to take the influence from outside, especially the influence toward our civilization and culture.

1. Location
Kwen Lun mountain area in Central Asia is the headwaters of Mekong river or Cambodia, flew through South China area, and became the border of Indo China and Thailand and construct Cambodia bay. Mekong river fertilizer the area its flew through, such as Laos, Vietnam, and Cambodia.

2. Proponent
The ancient man was also came from Central Asia. They spread out to the seashore through rivers and valleys. It is believed that they spreading because of disaster and diseases. Based on the fossil found, it can be analyzed that they consists of some species, such as
Papua Melanesoid, Mongoloid and Australoid. The mix marriage produced the brown skin Malayan. Tonkin bay area in Indo China was their second country. from Indo China they spread out to Cambodia, Thailand, and became Austro-Asia nation, and most of them went to the islands and then became Austronesian nation.

3. Culture

There are two cultural centers in Mekong river valley, namely Bacson-Hoabinh and Dongson. Bacson located on the mountain and Hoabinh on the land. It was near Tonkin bay. At the beginning, the civilization in this area was Mesolitikum. The famous culture was Sumatra axe with Papua Melanesoid as the proponent. Then, from Tonkin bay developed Neolitikum culture with tools such as square axe and oval axe. Square axe spread out through Thailand, Malay cape until West Indonesia with Austronesia Malay as the proponent. On the other hand, oval axe spread out through Taiwan, Philippines and to East Indonesia with Papua Melanesoid as the proponent. This spreading out occurred about 2.000 BC.

Beside these materially culture, it is also known some other spiritually culture, such as :

a. Ability to make boat

The boat made was use to sail from Asian land to islands area (Austronesia). One of characteristic of boat made in Malayan was the application of outriggers. Outriggers is made of wood or bamboo and made a boat balancing.

b. Ability to cultivate

Cultivating including unirrigated and irrigated field. The output was rice as the primary food, and crops plants like bean, soybean, and corn. To cultivate, they used plows pulled by buffaloes or cows.

c. Astronomy

Astronomy knowledge applied by Malayan for farming and sailing. Waluku Orion looked like a plow used as a sign to know the coming of cultivating season; while Southern Cross Orion was used to navigate in sailing.

d. Beliefs

Animism and dynamism was the belief they well known. These beliefs produced the Wayang culture, grave veneration, etc.

From the above statements, there are two things we have to discuss :
1. State whether the culture and civilization are the same meaning or different? give your reason and examples!

2. Can you write down on your own word about the civilization in Mekong river valley?!

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