Chairman : M. Tabrani
Vice chairman : Sumarto
Secretary : Jamaludin
Treasurer : Suwarso
Assistants : Bahder Johan, Sumarto, Yan Toule Soulehuwiy, Paul Pinontuan, Hamami, and Sanusi Pane
The goal of congress was to implant the spirit of cooperation among youth groups as a basic of Indonesian unity. There were many speech about the important of Indonesian unity performed in this congress. However, this effort was not successful yet because the sense of regionalism was still strong among the youth. Meanwhile, students from Batavia and Bandung analyzed there were two contradictive interests of colonialism which they called colonial antitheses that suffering Indonesian. The antitheses will disappear if the colonialism disappeared too. Therefore, students from others regions on September established Perhimpunan Pelajar-Pelajar Indonesia (PPPI) in Batavia. The PPPI’s goal was Indonesia freedom.
On 1928 the atmosphere of Indonesian politics has full of the sense of unity. The sense of nationality and the idea of Indonesian freedom have been reverberating in the soul of Indonesian youth. By initiative of PPPI the Youth Congress II was held and attending by delegation of youth organizations and have been succeed to decelerated a pledge known as “Sumpah Pemuda”. Youth Congress II carried out on 27 – 28 October 1928 with the composition of organization committee as follows:
Chairman : Sugondo Joyopuspito (from PPPI)
Vice chairman : Joko Mursid (from Jong Java)
Secretary : Muh. Yamin (from Jong Sumatranen Bond)
Treasurer : Amir Syarifuddin (from Jong Batak Bond)
Members : Johan Mohammad (from Jong Islamieten Bond), Senduk (from Jong Celebes), J. Leimena (from Jong Ambon), Rohyani (from Pemuda Kaum Betawi
The aims and goals of the Youth Congress II were:
a. To express of Indonesian Youth organization idea
b. To discuss about the of Indonesian Youth movement
c. To strengthen the sense of nationality and to solidly the Indonesian unity
The content of Youth Declaration (Sumpah Pemuda) :
Pertama : Kami putra dan putri Indonesia bertumpah darah satu, Tanah
Kedua : Kami putra dan putri Indonesia mengaku berbangsa yang satu, Bangsa Indonesia.
Ketiga : Kami putra dan putri Indonesia
menjunjung bahasa persatuan, Bahasa Indonesia.
Your Task :
1. Write down an articles (on one piece of paper) entitle “Dengan Semangat Sumpah pemuda Kita Tingkatkan Persatuan dan Kesatuan” !
2. Send your article via E-mail to: Hennymdo@gmail.com
3. The best article will be posted on this BlogSpot (don’t forget to enclosed your photo).
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